dragon dreaming
project management method
by John Croft Co-Founder of the Gaia University in Western Australia
a systemic design process, a philsosophy and a methodological framework for the realisation of collaborative and regenerative projects, organisations and platforms.
every project starts as the dream of a single individual, but daily experience teaches 90% of our dreams get blocked in the dreaming stage, and this usually happens because we do not share our dreams.
the first step is to share your dream and build a team around your dream that assists in making the dream come true.
the second stage is to build a plan: people do not plan to fail, they only fail to plan. again experience teaches us that 90% of projects do not work according to plan.
this is because the “planners” are seen as the “head” of the organisation, and they blame the “body” of the organisation for not following the plan, whilst the “body” blames the “head” for being out of touch with reality.
the third stage is where much of the work occurs. this is the doing stage of the project, and international figures show that some 90% of business ideas, start-ups or non government community initiatives fail to last longer than 3 years.
this often happens through “burnout” on the part of the initiators, and the lack of effective succession planning. people feel tired and exhausted, because they have not refueled themselves with the fourth step.
the fourth stage of a successful project is celebration. this is built upon gratitude and thankfulness, acknowledgement and recognition.
it is celebration that connects the doing of a project back to the original dreaming. We say 25% of any project needs to be celebration. And it needs to be fully integrated throughout the process.

instagram: @philipp.vonhase