
cabaret is a small coffee table with an integrated stone plate

all four table legs are steam bent oak wood sourced on the island of osterøy just outside of bergen on the westcoast of norway
the stone plate is a serpentenite stone that is embeded in the wooden table top and can be spun around its own axis

photography by camilla martins and jake de hoop
producer: philipp von hase
materials: oak and serpentinite
size: 120 cm x 60 cm x 50 cm
price: 3.333,- euro
series: three pieces
year: 2021

the cabaret table is designed for assembly and disassembly and can be flatpacked, please find below a gallery of images of the cabaret table without the stone inlay but with a ‘shou sogi ban’ surface treatment

...cabaret is a form of theatrical entertainment featuring music, song, dance, recitation, or drama....it is mainly distinguished by the performance venue, which might be a pub, a casino, a hotel, a restaurant, or a nightclub with a stage for performances....the audience, often dining or drinking, does not typically dance but usually sits at tables...performances are usually introduced by a master of ceremonies...
instagram: @philipp.vonhase