Philipp von Hase
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philipp von hase ist gelernter møbel tischler aus hannover in deutschland
während seiner zeit als reisender handwerksgeselle fertigte er unter anderem 
dänische design klassiker in kopenhagen, dänemark. seit seinem mastergrad im 
møbeldesign stellt er nun in bergen, norwegen kleine serien von selbst entworfenen 
möbeln her. seine arbeiten führen oft zu einer design diskussion zwischen der 
konzeptionellen form, physischen form und der psychologischen form;
diese eher skulpturellen arbeiten werden in galerien, museen 
und messen auf der ganzen welt ausgestellt

curriculum vitae

2020 small scale furniture design production in bergen, no
2019 furniture design and steam bending project in dale, no
2018 furniture design and small scale production in bergen, no

2017 furniture design and aldea workshops project in bergen, no
2016 furniture design and creation station project in bergen, no
2016 master degree in furniture and spatial design, bergen, no

2015 establishing furnature and freedesign studio in bergen, no
2014 redesign concept film production for tv two bliss in oslo, no
2013 work at konstnärernas kollektivverkstad in stockholm, se

2013 bachelor in furniture design at academy of arts in bergen, no
2012 studies at the sculpture department at belas artes in lisboa, pt
2011 furniture design studies at the academy of arts in bergen, no

2010 design studies at the permaculture academy in berlin, de
2009 teaching woodwork at ‚projeto alavanca’ in sao paulo, br
2008 work place at rud rasmussen’s furniture production in cph, dk

2007 creative work and involvement in christiania, copenhagen, dk
2006 craftsmens journey as travelling furniture maker begins, eu
2005 certified permaculture design course in lower- saxony, de

2004 practical one year boatbuilding experience in hanover, de
2003 three year apprenticeship in furniture making in hanover, de
2002 voluntary work with the ngo ‚tools for solidarity’ in belfast, ni


2021 artist in residence at nida art colony in neringa, lithuania
2019 artist in residence at the nordic artist center in dale, norway

instagram: @philipp.vonhase